MINUTES OF MEETING SIX MILE CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Six Mile Creek Community Development District was held on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at the Renaissance World Golf Village Resort, 500 South Legacy Trail, St. Augustine, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Gregg Kern by phone Chairman Wendy Hartley Vice Chairperson Darren Glynn Supervisor Michelle Sutton Supervisor Also, present were: Howard McGaffney District Manager, GMS Katie Buchanan by phone District Counsel, Kutak Rock Zach Brecht District Engineer Alex Boyer Operations Manager, Evergreen Stephanie Douglas OnPlace Samantha Keim OnPlace Colleen Specht First Service Scott Wild by phone District Engineer The following is a summary of the actions taken at the February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek Community Development District’s regular Board of Supervisor’s Meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. McGaffney called the meeting to order at 2:28 p.m. Three Supervisors were in attendance in person with one attending via phone constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Mr. McGaffney explained the audience comment period at the beginning of the meeting and the end of the meeting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 2 • Resident (Larry) commented on a mold issue in Reverie. Mr. McGaffney noted the mold was remediated 100% and they are now getting proposals to reconstruct. • Resident (Robyn Freedman) commented on cleaning of buildings and sanitary issues. • Resident (Mindy Gellman) inquired if mold was covered under warranty. Mr. McGaffney noted they are looking at everything which will be a long process. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Engineer Items Ratification Items 1. Ratification of Requisition 170 2021 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Assessment Area 2, Phase 3A 2. Ratification of Requisition 72 – 74 2021 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Assessment Area 3, Phase 2 (Phase 10) 3. Ratification of Requisitions 159 – 161 2021 Capital Improvement and Refunding Revenue Bonds (AA2, Phase 3B)(East Parcel Phase 2) 4. Ratification of Requisitions 52 – 59 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds – Series 2023 (2023 Project Area)(AA2 Phase 3C) 5. Ratification of Requisitions 46A – 53A Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds – Series 2023 (2023 Project Area)(AA3 Phase 3) 6. Ratification of Trailmark Phase 12 Change Order Nos. 9 – 10 Consideration Items 1. Approval of Requisition 78 2021 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Assessment Area 3, Phase 2 (Phase 10) 2. Approval of Requisitions 65 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds – Series 2023 (2023 Project Area)(AA2 Phase 3C) 3. Approval of Trailmark Amenity Expansion Change Order Nos. 9 – 12 B. Ratification of Agreements 1. Tree Amigos – Landscape & Irrigation Installation (TrailMark Sports Field) 2. Tree Amigos – Landscape & Irrigation Installation (Multiple Locations) 3. PuroClean – Contract for Mold Remediation Services 4. PuroClean – Contract for Services (Addendum) C. Approval of Minutes of the December 13, 2023 Meeting D. Balance Sheet as of January 31, 2024 and Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the Period Ending January 31, 2024 E. Assessment Receipt Schedule F. Check Register DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 3 Mr. McGaffney asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. He noted there are ratifications that are ongoing for Tree Amigos installment of landscaping at TrailMark Sports Field for $47,924.50 and Tree Amigos installation in multiple other areas of sod in the development, all paid for out of the bond funds and or through developer agreement and that amount was $62,088.86. He noted they did hire a mold remediation company that focused on the fitness center and then moved to the gym totaling $17,954.67 and the contractor service $7,804.88. This does not include construction and is only for the tear out, remediation and inspections. He noted on the financials, they are doing good on assessment collection being 83% collected through January 31st. He asked for any questions from the Board. On MOTION by Ms. Hartley, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, the Consent Agenda, was approved 4-0. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Memorandum Regarding Annual Ethics Training & Annual Form 1 Filing Ms. Buchanan updated the Board on the four hours of ethics training for calendar year 2024 and report those hours when turning in Form 1 which will be done electronically this year. There are links on the Commission of Ethics Training by different state departments. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Construction to Reverie Group Fitness and Gym Mr. Taylor presented the proposal from Carlton Construction in relation to the fitness facility and reconstruction proposal to put the building back into substantial form and use. The total cost of the repair to the building is $97,700. There are additional recommended items to help prevent future issues totaling another $12,000. He recommended the Board consider this proposal as Carlton was the original general contractor and willing to step in to complete the work and restore it back to its condition. He made a recommendation that it be subject to a funding source and that source will hopefully be identified in the next week. He recommended NTE $125,000 subject to a funding source. Ms. Buchanan noted it’s not recommended that funds come out of the General Fund budget so hoping to identify an alternate source. Mr. Kern added he had a discussion with DreamFinders relating to Reverie and they are verbally agreeable to committing to being the funding source. He asked Katie to prepare an Associated Funding Agreement between the District and DreamFinders to cover the NTE amount. Mr. Taylor noted the $125,000 is for new DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 4 construction repairs. The remediation cost is not in that number. The Funding Agreement should contemplate the repairs and remediation work. Public Comments: • Resident (Rhonda) commented that since Dream Finders is paying this, is there a warranty for homeowners. Ms. Buchanan clarified the District has the contract so the warranty belongs to the District. They are reserving their right to withhold options to pursue other claims if necessary to ensure the District does not have to spend General Fund money. She asked who represents residents. Mr. McGaffney noted the elected officials. • Resident (Rob Bearden) questioned using the original contractor for the repair and asked if that sits well with everyone. Mr. Taylor noted the intent is to get the facility back in operation safely for use. Dream Finders is one funding source opportunity and the other source is talking to the contractor and design team on what caused the issue. Looking at different funding sources and may be multiple sources. The new construction will come with additional warranties. • Resident questioned the cause of the issue and the original warranty. Mr. McGaffney noted he doesn’t have all of that information. Board Discussion: Mr. Glynn asked how do they hire a contractor to look at something that they may have done to fix. They almost need an independent third party to find out what the original problem was. Mr. Taylor noted it’s always best to go back to the original design as they have the proper insurances and knowledge of the building. It is appropriate to give the contractor and design team the right to correct the item. Carlton wants to get this back open for the residents so highly motivated to resolve this issue. The Boards permission is needed to move forward with the work with good oversite from the developer representative which would be him and his staff to get this done correctly. Mr. Glynn noted if they say yes and then find out it’s a mistake on Carlton that it doesn’t nullify the ability for the District to get compensation back from them for something that wasn’t done correctly in the first place. Ms. Buchanan noted they won’t get compensated from both DreamFinders and Carlton but the motion is requested to make sure the District does receive compensation from a party that is accountable. Ms. Hartley noted she would like someone from DreamFinders team tell her what was found wrong and why it happened. Ms. Sutton stated she DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 5 feels like someone does know what happened, clearly a water leak leading to mold, where did it come from. Mr. Taylor noted obviously there was a water intrusion within the building. The cause is still under investigation, could be mechanical. It’s not coming from the roof, windows, or exterior penetrations. Highly likely a mechanical issue with the thermostat and some of the technical function of the mechanical systems. Humidity control is being evaluated. Mechanical adjustments to be done to alleviate future humidity issues in the building. The doors should not be propped open so if those doors were propped open, it will induce humidity into the building. Ms. Sutton feels if Carlton caused the problem, they should fix it and make it right/pay it so everyone can use the facility they are paying for. Mr. Glynn noted if they approve this, DreamFinders is going to flip the bill and none of the Board feels comfortable with the fact it happened and there is no guarantee it won’t happen again and they don’t have the root cause yet but hopefully will get that soon. *Mr. Kern left the meeting at this time. On MOTION by Ms. Sutton, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, the Construction to Reverie Group Fitness and Gym NTE $125,000, and in addition to, the reimbursement of expenses incurred for remediation and inspection services. Authorizing District Counsel to draft the agreement with Carlton Construction, and the Chair or Vice Chair to Execute, subject to a funding source that is other than the District, was approved 3-0. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Authorization of Maintenance Building within Reverie, Authorizing Acceptance of Ownership and Maintenance Mr. McGaffney stated this is a maintenance shed for District purposes of maintaining the amenity center equipment in there. The funding source is Dream Finders Homes and will be subject to an acquisition agreement with acceptance of that, the ownership by the District and also approving the location. The location will be at the end of the food court pad. On MOTION by Mr. Glynn, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the Maintenance Building within Reverie, Authorizing Acceptance of Ownership and Maintenance and Location, was approved 3-0. DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 6 SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Agreements: A. Vending Machine Services Mr. McGaffney noted the Board has already approved and authorized the Chair to execute this but there was a revenue share function so that was put back on the agenda for the Board to see it, out of transparency. Mr. Boyer noted they are getting a food and drink machine. They will receive a portion of commission after both machines reach a total of $500 per month then they get 10% but they do take out state taxes from the 10% first. On MOTION by Ms. Hartley, seconded by Ms. Sutton, with all in favor, the DAPA Vending Enterprises, Inc., Vending Machine Agreement, was approved 3-0. B. Third Amendment to the Agreement with Evergreen Lifestyles Management for Facility Management, Contract Administration, and Certain Janitorial Services Mr. McGaffney noted this agreement is the third amendment agreement to their agreement, removes the first and second and defaults back to the original. This was an effort when they moved and brought FSR to Reverie and OnPlace came to Camphouse. Alex Boyer is a team member of Evergreen and his function is field operations in which he oversees maintenance and janitorial management. This agreement is meant to do that however in reviewing that, the original agreement has three different prices, one for 30-hour associate, one for 40 hours, and a price for janitorial or maintenance. Mr. Boyer noted there needs to be a clear scope and price per scope. Mr. McGaffney stated Alex could bring a recommendation back to the next meeting with some guidance and from there they will know the scope and if agreed upon will use that scope to go out and get proposals. Staff will come up with the framework of what is needed and the Board can add to it. Ms. Hartley asked if this would include janitorial services. Mr. Boyer stated that was taken off because the District already outsources. Mr. McGaffney noted in the interim they will operate off the original pricing structure which was defined in the original agreement and remove the first and second amendments which were the lifestyle and janitorial portions. On MOTION by Ms. Hartley, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, the Third Amendment to the Evergreen Lifestyle Management/Real Manage Agreement, was approved 3-0. DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 7 C. EMMA Filing Assistant Software as a Service License Agreement Ms. Buchanan noted this is $1,000 a year which is the purchase of the software that allows the District to report information that the bond documents require in a standardized format. On MOTION by Ms. Sutton, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, the EMMA Filing Assistance Software as a Service License Agreement, was approved 3-0. D. First Amendment to Agreement with Elite Amenities NE Florida, LLC for Amenity Staffing Services Mr. McGaffney noted this is for the facilities attendant and is the updated price for Fiscal Year24 which is $27.55 per hour. He noted they are used for additional staffing as needed when there are rentals. A Board member stated the attendant checks guests in and oversees from a distance then when the event is over has a walk through with the homeowner to make sure everything is as it was before the event. Mr. McGaffney noted this may be temporary through the remainder of this year. On MOTION by Ms. Sutton, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the First Amendment to Agreement with Elite Amenities NE Florida, LLC for Amenity Center Staffing Services Subject to Successful Negotiation of a 30-Day Termination Clause, was approved 3-0. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Pool Monitor – Camp House Mr. McGaffney noted this has already been discussed and asked the Board if they want to move forward. Ms. Sutton stated they need to do something with Spring Break approaching. Mr. McGaffney stated Elite offers this service and if they can successfully work with them and there is already an agreement in place, he will work with them. If not, he will move to FSR or RMS if the Board wants. Ms. Hartley noted they already approved someone to walk around the pool to monitor behavior and just keep an eye on things. Mr. McGaffney noted he will make an effort to get staff for Spring Break NTE $2,000 for pool monitors. DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 8 On MOTION by Ms. Hartley, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, NTE $2,000 Authorizing Staff to Negotiate a Contract with Elite or Other Amenity Company as needed if Elite is Unavailable, Authorizing District Counsel the draft the Agreement and the Chair/Vice Chair to Execute, was approved 3-0. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Authorizing a Capital Reserve Study Mr. McGaffney stated he can get other proposals and there are some that cost a lot more and some very minimal, a proposal is in the agenda They gave an outline of all the Districts that they have done work in. The difference with this company is they will send it in Excel. He noted as they get going in the budgeting process it is important to start putting money away for reserves for future costs. One quote received is $4,000 for TrailMark and $2,900 for Reverie. They will include the other pool area and playground. It will not be used for landscaping. On MOTION by Ms. Hartley, seconded by Ms. Sutton, with all in favor, Authorizing a Capital Reserve Study NTE $6,900 for both TrailMark and Reverie, was approved 3-0. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals: A. Keen on Klean for Janitorial (TrailMark) Mr. Boyer stated this is to add the additional scope to cover the new restroom facilities in the new building. Mr. McGaffney noted the proposal from Keen on Klean was for $195 a month for four days including Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and includes paper products, trash liners, and cleaning supplies. On MOTION by Mr. Glynn, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the Keen on Klean Additional Janitorial Services for the Amenity Center at TrailMark adding in the Additional Pool Facility, was approved 3-0. B. Brightview Proposal Mr. Boyer presented the Brightview proposal to the Board. He noted this is for annual maintenance of the multipurpose field which has specialty type turf. This does require a specific mower to maintain. Part of this proposal is to do the annual maintenance as well as the turf applications. There will be at some point extra cost but it will cost $24,000 annually to maintain DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 9 the field that is not open yet. Once the field is open, they will start maintaining it and are outsourcing it to Agrow because Brightview doesn’t have the appropriate mower. Mr. Glynn questioned $24,000 per year for maintenance. Mr. Boyer noted there is a lot of maintenance involved in a mower of that size. He noted they can follow up on the information requested and talk with the developer about it and have all of the information to discuss at one time versus making a decision then follow up. This will be on the next agenda. C. Kayak Reservations Mr. McGaffney noted Mr. Ed is a resident who came to a meeting expressing concern for opportunities to kayak and the Board directed he come back with some recommendations. Mr. Ed noted the kayak launch is a big draw to this neighborhood. The welcome center is open 10-4 and 10-5 on the weekends and has all of the equipment needed other than the kayaks. The current policy states rentals are only for 3 hours. Mr. Ed proposed extending the kayak rentals to 5 and potentially eliminating those hours altogether by bypassing the welcome center and suggested an outbuilding to store equipment. The building would be accessed through a smart entry app on the resident’s phone and a smart lock. Mr. McGaffney noted rule recommendations are coming back in March. The Board can make a motion to extend the hours within staffing to allow for up to five hours of kayak. Staff will come back with the rest of the recommendations and how to fund it. On MOTION by Ms. Sutton, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, Extending the Kayak Rental Reservations Length to Five Hours, was approved 3-0. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-01, General Elections Mr. McGaffney stated seat 1 held by Greg Kern, seat 3 held by Wendy Hartley, and seat 5 held by Darren Glynn are up for election. If more information is needed about how to qualify and run for the election, reach out to the Supervisor of Elections. On MOTION by Ms. Sutton, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-01, General Elections, was approved 3-0. DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 10 TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business Mr. McGaffney asked for any business the Board would like to talk about. Hearing none, moving to Staff Reports. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Ms. Buchanan noted nothing further but would be happy to take any questions. B. Engineer Mr. Wild noted nothing to report. C. Manager Mr. McGaffney had nothing else to report other than the purpose that they had the meeting today. He noted this is not their normal meeting place and the acoustics are bad so will be back at the hotel for the next meeting. Mr. Glynn asked the status of the street light. Mr. McGaffney noted the last update he had was they were working with the county on it. Mr. Wild noted they had been authorized to proceed and go out and survey everything in the intersection. The layout for the foundation locations was approved by the county so now forging ahead with the tie in of the traffic signal which will then go through approval by Clay County. Mr. Glynn asked if there will be a problem using shared land across the street from them. Mr. Wild stated that will not be a problem. D. TrailMark Reports 1. Operations (Evergreen) a. Report Mr. Boyer presented the operations report. The ice machine is working and the fireplace has been completely rebuilt. He noted there is a lot of landscape in the community to the point that they will not be able to maintain everything the way it was. The landscape needs to be looked at, redone, or upgrade. As of today, they have already spent 61% of their landscape contingency dollars. Mr. Wild gave him a line item NTE. He asked for more direction on what to focus on first. The first item is tree removal and on average $20,000 a year and $6,000 has been spent so far. The other piece is what is going on in the preserve area on Weathered Edge where there are a lot of dead trees that will need attention in the near future. Today they are looking at $30,000 for the entire fiscal year for any landscape projects. The entryway landscape area has died or not taken DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 11 off. He suggested putting that area into maintenance with a lot of sod at roughly $10,000. He noted there are four other areas that could be on this list but are lower ticket items. He asked the Board to rank these items so he can get quotes from multiple companies. Ms. Sutton asked if they can drive around and look at this stuff and come back to it. Ms. Hartley noted the railing and lights by the steps, a couple of people have mentioned it being a hazard. She noted it is super dark on the steps. She asked for a railing in the middle which would be cheaper than two railings. Mr. Boyer noted one thing they are looking at is extending the landscape lights to the stairs. 2. Lifestyles (OnPlace) Ms. Douglas noted a lot going on next month starting with a pool party to kick off Spring Break. She continued to review all the events scheduled. She mentioned the app that launched on Monday and two training session options. They send the monthly client report to the developer and will solicit that to the Board members moving forward. E. Reverie Reports (First Service) 1. Operations Ms. Specht stated some gutters were not put on the amenity center that had staining so that is being cleaned up. DreamFinders is paying for the gutters to be installed. They had a warranty walk through with the builder a couple of weeks ago and Dream Finders actually had a third party come out to walk the property themselves and found multiple things that were submitted to Carlton. Other improvements included landscape upgrades replacing dead bushes, mulch installed around amenity center and on the by the pickleball courts, dead shrubs removed in pickleball area parking lot, two flower beds washing out are being changed out from mulch to rock, switching flowers at amenity center out for a hardier plant, a couple of trees need to be taken down, flower beds at the front entrance to get soil which will help the flowers, a dead palm by the pool needs to come down, Shell Road needs to be grated up and filled with rock, and landscape the front with soil and mulch. She noted altogether that will be the $20,000. Kevin with DreamFinders noted it’s in budget. On MOTION by Ms. Sutton, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, NTE $20,739 for Reverie Landscape Improvements, was approved 3-0. DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 12 1. Lifestyles Ms. Specht noted there are 13 groups to form a women’s Bocce ball group. St. Patty’s Bash a Shrimpin’ Excursion at St. Simon’s Island, social, local hair salon comes once a month, recipes/cooking event with an eat healthier group, Spring Hoedown with costume contest for best dressed cowboy or cowgirl, and pickleball tournament between Reverie and TrailMark. She noted they are running about $579 under budget. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests There being no Supervisor’s request, the next item followed. FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments • Resident (Mindy Gellman) commented on initiating a new relationship between Reverie and CDD board. Commended everyone on the Board for doing a great job. Doesn’t feel Reverie is getting the same attention as TrailMark. Crack in pool, the Board stated that is being repaired. • Resident (Kevin) questioned construction at TrailMark with closed roads and sidewalks/problems with kids getting to the bus stop. Mr. Boyer noted the developer has verified there will be a safety crosswalk over the road where the construction is going on. • Resident asked the status of crosswalk near the mailboxes mentioned at previous meeting. How will they keep people from parking on the new field at TrailMark? Mr. McGaffney will look into that. • Resident (Lynn Cooper) stated the acoustics are better here than previous meeting location – Ms. Sutton and Mr. Glynn noted this is not an appropriate meeting space. Mr. McGaffney exhausted options. • Resident asked about plans on second Bocce ball court at Reverie. Mr. McGaffney will follow up with resident for more details. • Resident (Ann Sallas) questioned Convention Center being available to governmental entities for meetings at reduced cost. Mr. McGaffney noted he has tried but couldn’t get a cheaper rate. He will get comparative pricing on what they charge everyone else compared to what they charge the District and bring it back to the Board. DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6 February 28, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 13 • Resident (Edward Thumith – 292 Goldenrod Dr) – Golden Rod Detour – plan to replace some of the trees that were killed? Mr. McGaffney doesn’t know of any plans on that. Will get an update on St. Johns River Park and the District. • Resident (Sue Mintor) asked about the new amenities opening date. Mr. Boyer noted the State Health Department has given approval, now waiting on the county for approval of the pool and the occupancy certificate from the general contractor. Can’t answer what opens when. Plans on how to use second pool as other pool is overcrowded. Mr. McGaffney told audience members he would give them his business card to bring complaints to his attention and will give them his undivided attention. SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – March 13, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. The next regular meeting date will be March 13, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. at their current location. SEVENTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. McGaffney asked for a motion to adjourn. On MOTION by Ms. Sutton, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. ___________________________ _____________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 41B72936-4545-446B-A194-0C569DE056D6