MINUTES OF MEETING SIX MILE CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Six Mile Creek Community Development District was held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at the Renaissance World Golf Village Resort, 500 South Legacy Trail, St. Augustine, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Gregg Kern Chairman Wendy Hartley Vice Chairperson Darren Glynn Supervisor Michelle Sutton Supervisor Barbara Bland Supervisor Also, present were: Jim Oliver District Manager, GMS Wes Haber District Counsel, Kutak Rock Zach Brecht District Engineer Alex Boyer Operations Manager, Evergreen Stephanie Douglas OnPlace Samantha Keim OnPlace Colleen Specht First Service Residential Megan Maldonado GreenPointe Sarah Sweeting GMS Kevin Andersen Dream Finders Homes Ryan Harry by phone Play Academy The following is a summary of the actions taken at the April 16, 2024 Six Mile Creek Community Development District’s regular Board of Supervisor’s Meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Oliver called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. All five Supervisors were in attendance in person constituting a quorum. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F4A9D60-D6AE-4132-8732-8C2844281894 April 16, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 2 SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Mr. Oliver noted that there was an audience comment period at the beginning of the meeting and the end of the meeting. The Board heard audience comments at this time. A resident stated that she would like to hear the Board’s rationale for hiring a pool attendant. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Engineer Items Ratification Items 1. Ratification of Requisitions 165 2021 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds Series 2021 (AA2, Phase 3B-East Parcel Phase 2) 2. Ratification of Requisitions 79 – 81 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds – Series 2021 (Assessment Area 3, Phase 2)(Phase 10) 3. Ratification of Requisitions 66 – 70 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds – Series 2023 (2023 Project Area)(AA2 Phase 3C) 4. Ratification of Requisitions 54A – 61A Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds – Series 2023 (2023 Project Area)(AA3 Phase 3/Phase 12) 5. Ratification of Trailmark Phase 12 Change Order Nos. 11 – 14 6. Ratification of Trailmark East Parcel 3 Change Order 4Scott A. Approval Items 1. Approval of Requisition 166 – 168 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds, Series 2021 Bonds (AA2, Phase 3B-East Parcel Phase 2) 2. Approval of Requisitions 71 – 73 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds – Series 2023 (2023 Project Area)(AA2 Phase 3C) 3. Approval of Requisition 62A – 63A Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds – Series 2023 (2023 Project Area)(AA3 Phase 3/Phase 12) B. Ratification of Agreements 1. Sitex Aquatics for Pond Management (Pond 34 – 36) 2. Environment Permitting with SES Environmental Resource Solutions 3. Onsight Industries, LLC to Furnish & Install Cluster Mailboxes and Signage 4. Brightview Landscape Services, Inc. for Tree Removal Services 5. Jax Utilities Management, Inc. for Tree Removal Services 6. Tree Amigos Outdoor Services, Inc. for Tree Removal Services C. Approval of Minutes of the February 28, 2024 Meeting D. Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2024 and Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the Period Ending March 31, 2024 E. Assessment Receipt Schedule DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F4A9D60-D6AE-4132-8732-8C2844281894 April 16, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 3 F. Check Register Mr. Oliver asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda. He noted that they were 96% collected. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the Consent Agenda with amendments to the time on the February 28, 2024 minutes, was approved 5-0. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals: A. Play Academy Proposal for TrailMark Activity Center Ms. Douglas and Mr. Ryan Harry reviewed the Play Academy proposal for the TrailMark activity center. After Board discussion, Ms. Hartley was directed to coordinate with staff regarding a contract that will include flexibility to reevaluate. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the Play Academy Proposal for TrailMark Activity Center, was approved 5-0. B. Pool Monitor (Reverie) Ms. Specht presented the proposal for a pool monitor at Reverie. On MOTION by Mr. Sutton, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with Mr. Kern, Ms. Hartley, Ms. Sutton, and Mr. Glynn in favor and Ms. Bland opposed, the Pool Monitor (Reverie) with Elite Amenities, was approved 4-1. C. Janitorial (Reverie) Ms. Specht reviewed the proposal for janitorial services at Reverie. On MOTION by Ms. Sutton, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with Mr. Kern, Ms. Hartley, Ms. Sutton, and Mr. Glynn in favor and Ms. Bland opposed, the Janitorial Proposal (Reverie) with Jani King, was approved 4-1. D. Reserve Study DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F4A9D60-D6AE-4132-8732-8C2844281894 April 16, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 4 Mr. Oliver reviewed the Community Advisors proposal to perform a Reserve Study. The Board directed staff to work with Community Advisors on scheduling. On MOTION by Mr. Glynn, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the Reserve Study Proposal with Community Advisors, was approved 5-0. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Third Amendment to Landscape & Irrigation Services Agreement with Brightview Landscape Services, Inc. (Phases 9 and 11 and Athletic Field) Mr. Oliver reviewed the amendment to the Brightview Landscape agreement which would add Phases 9 and 11 and the athletic field. The Board directed staff to ensure that there are no gaps in services with the current provider, Tree Amigos, and to also confirm the coverage area. On MOTION by Ms. Bland, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, the Third Amendment to Landscape & Irrigation Services Agreement with Brightview Landscape Services, Inc. (Phases 9 and 11 and Athletic Field), was approved 5-0. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Updated Policies: A. TrailMark Ms. Douglas reviewed the updated policies for TrailMark. Board consensus was to direct Ms. Douglas and Ms. Keim to work with District counsel in exploring options to charge for participation at certain events. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the TrailMark Updated Policies, were approved 5-0. B. Reverie Ms. Specht reviewed the Reverie updated policies. After Board review, the consensus was to table this item to a future meeting. The Board directed Ms. Specht to review options for the guest policy. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F4A9D60-D6AE-4132-8732-8C2844281894 April 16, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 5 SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business Mr. Oliver asked for any business the Board would like to talk about. Hearing no comments, the next item followed. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Haber reminded the Board that they needed to file their Form 1 filing and complete the ethics training. B. Engineer There being no comments, the next item followed. C. Manager – 2024 General Elections Mr. Oliver noted that there will be three seats up for election, Seats #1, #3, and #5. He noted that the qualifying period was from June 10th at noon through June 14th at noon. Mr. Oliver discussed the potential insurance claim pay out regarding mold remediation for the Reverie fitness room. D. TrailMark Reports 1. Operations (Evergreen) a. Report b. Proposal from Brightview to Update Surge Protector on Pump Station Mr. Boyer presented the operations report. He reviewed the proposal from Brightview to update the surge protector on the pump station. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Bland, with all in favor, the Proposal from Brightview to Update Surge Protector on Pump Station, was approved 5-0. 2. Lifestyles (OnPlace) a. Report b. Update on TrailMark App Launch Ms. Douglas provided an update on the TrailMark app launch and noted that they had 1,500 users on the platform. DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F4A9D60-D6AE-4132-8732-8C2844281894 April 16, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 6 E. Reverie Reports (First Service) 1. Operations 2. Lifestyles Ms. Specht reviewed the Reverie reports for the Board. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests There being no Supervisor’s request, the next item followed. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Mr. Oliver asked for any audience comments at this time. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – May 8, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. The next regular meeting date will be May 8, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. at their current location. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Oliver asked for a motion to adjourn. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. ___________________________ _____________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 6F4A9D60-D6AE-4132-8732-8C2844281894