MINUTES OF MEETING SIX MILE CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Six Mile Creek Community Development District was held on Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at the Renaissance World Golf Village Resort, 500 South Legacy Trail, St. Augustine, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Gregg Kern Chairman Wendy Hartley Vice Chairperson Darren Glynn Supervisor Michelle Sutton by phone Supervisor Steve Pasiuk Supervisor Also, present were: Jim Oliver District Manager, GMS Wes Haber by phone District Counsel, Kutak Rock Zach Brecht District Engineer Alex Boyer Operations Manager, Evergreen Stephanie Douglas OnPlace Nick McKenna Greenpoint Sarah Sweeting by phone GMS Kevin Anderson DreamFinders Homes Mark Sheen Brightview Nicole Janzen First Service Residential Matt Reed First Service Residential Megan Maldonado The following is a summary of the actions taken at the July 17, 2024 Six Mile Creek Community Development District’s regular Board of Supervisor’s Meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Oliver called the meeting to order at 2:09 p.m. Four Supervisors were in attendance constituting a quorum. Ms. Sutton joined by phone. Docusign Envelope ID: 3A4B1807-B4AB-4903-9536-6F981AD2E0FA July 17, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 2 SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Mr. Oliver noted audience comments will be on today’s agenda items. The budget will be discussed later in the meeting, hold all budget comments until that point. • John Reelan (Weathered Edge Dr.) – commented that the company handling the lake behind his home is doing a bad job and needs to step up. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Brightview Report Mr. Sheen presented the quality site assessment. Items included edging, grass and plant trimming, weed control, turf, annual replacement, mowing and tree pruning. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Engineer Items 1. Ratification of Change Order Nos. 17 – Trailmark Phase 12 2. Ratification of Change Order No. 18 – Trailmark Phase 12 3. Ratification of Change Order No. 1 – Trailmark Playground 4. Ratification of Change Order No. 2 – Trailmark Phase 13 5. Ratification of Change Order No. 6 – Trailmark East Parcel 3 6. Ratification of Requisition Nos. 291A – 296A (2016A Capital Improvement Bonds) 7. Ratification of Requisition Nos. 80 – 84 (2023 Bonds – AA3 – Phase 3) 8. Ratification of Requisitions 75 – 79 Capital Improvement Revenue Bonds – Series 2023 (2023 Project Area, AA2 Phase 3C) 9. Ratification of SES Environmental Resource Solutions LLC Proposal TrailMark Haul Road Restoration and Monitoring B. Ratification of Agreements 1. Elite Amenities 2. LED Lighting Agreements with FPL for East Parcel C. Approval of Minutes of the June 12, 2024 Meeting D. Balance Sheet as of June 30, 2024 and Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the Period Ending June 30, 2024 E. Assessment Receipt Schedule F. Check Register Mr. Oliver asked if the Board for any discussion regarding the Consent Agenda. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the Consent Agenda, was approved as amended5-0. Docusign Envelope ID: 3A4B1807-B4AB-4903-9536-6F981AD2E0FA July 17, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 3 FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Resolution 2024-06, Resetting the Public Hearing to Adopt Rates Mr. Oliver stated the public hearing to adopt rates has been changed from July to the September 11th meeting. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-06 Resetting the Public Hearing to September 11th to Adopt Rates, was approved 5-0. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Acceptance of Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Report Mr. Oliver stated as a unit of government in Florida the CDD is required to have an audit conducted each year by an independent CPA firm. Grau & Associates performed this audit which revealed a clean audit. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Pasiuk, with all in favor, Accepting the Fiscal Year 2023 Audit Report, was approved 5-0. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Fiscal Year 2025 Budget (budget adoption 08/14/24) Mr. Oliver reminded the Board the public hearing for budget adoption is August 14th. There is no Board action to adopt the budget today. If assessments are to be increased, it would require a mailed notice to all property owners. The proposed assessments will be published in the St. Augustine Record. The budget continues to be refined. Mr. Kern noted regarding the lake maintenance mentioned in public comments, they are under budget in that area and asked to consider increasing with the understanding of additional ponds coming online. Mr. Oliver noted $8,000 was budgeted for water & sewer but could move it for lake maintenance. • Resident suggested increasing the emergency fund. Mr. Oliver noted the Board has started the process of a Capital Reserve Study. Also, the capital reserve and storm damage line items were increased. Mr. Oliver pointed out this budget will have an increase in platted lots. DreamFinders will be providing a developer funding agreement to be in place when the budget is adopted. The debt Docusign Envelope ID: 3A4B1807-B4AB-4903-9536-6F981AD2E0FA July 17, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 4 assessment for platted lots within Reverie right now is $1,020 and would increase to $1,100.Mr. Kern noted net assessment for TrailMark is $912.03 for platted lots and $180.27 for unplatted lots. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Update Regarding Pond Bank Erosion at Reverie Mr. Anderson discussed the long-term process to correct construction related pond bank erosion at SMF located in Reverie. NINETH ORDER OF BUSINESS Update Regarding TrailMarket Ms. Maldonado discussed event insurance solution implemented to allow continued scheduling of TrailMarket. Spoke to insurance agent who could get the District a Day of Vendor Market Fair policy at a modest premium that covers events like TrailMarket. It does not cover home bakers/home food preparers without a license. Allocate to Special Events line item. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Update Regarding Pond at Weathered Edge Mr. Boyer discussed Florida Waterways report on recent testing of SMF at Weathered Edge. He noted there was no feedback that made it seem hazardous in any way. It was suggested the vendor be specific to that ponds treatment plan and provide fish or wildlife to help. The Board discussed algae in the ponds and use of dye treatments as well as looking into what it takes to do the carp. Mr. Kern suggested inviting Sitex to the next meeting to update the Board on lake maintenance matters and recommendations. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion Items A. Kayak Rentals Mr. Oliver discussed resident recommended short and long-term improvement plans to the kayak program. Some plans included replacing the rolling system to get the kayak to the creek and the other is expanding hours that equipment can be picked up and returned. The Board directed staff to maintain existing equipment. Upload a photo of kayak before and after use. B. Dog Training Mr. Oliver stated last Fall resident Crystal Fleming brought options for dog training to be provided at TrailMark. Ms. Fleming proposed two classes to residents only. The My Guardian Docusign Envelope ID: 3A4B1807-B4AB-4903-9536-6F981AD2E0FA July 17, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 5 Empowerment and Education Series once per month at the clubhouse, no dogs, only humans and a class once weekly for intermediate dog training limited to 4 dogs across the street from the dog park. Fee for once-a-month classes with no dogs is $25/household. Group training with dogs would be $350-$400 for six-week course. Dogs will be leashed. Mr. Haber will look at an agreement. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposal for Basketball Hoop Replacement Mr. Boyer noted one of the basketball hoops was completely hanging off its hinges. He presented a proposal for the hoops and delivery only, doesn’t include installation. He asked for a NTE $3,000. It would be $800 on top of the $2,200 price to try to get installation included. This is to replace both hoops at the same time. He is looking into other quotes. Mr. Kern stated to move forward. THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business Mr. Oliver asked for any other business the Board would like to talk about. Hearing no comments, the next item followed. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Haber had nothing to report. B. Engineer Mr. Brecht had nothing to report. C. Manager – Discussion Regarding Fiscal Year 2025 Meeting Schedule Mr. Oliver will bring a proposed schedule to the next meeting and noted that he is looking into lower cost meeting sites. D. TrailMark Reports 1. Operations (Evergreen) – Report Mr. Boyer reported half of their fob readers are down after being struck by lightning. The entryway to the new pool gate is down. Working to get it replaced. The main access ones to the pool and restrooms are still functional. Ms. Hartley requested a trash can by the lap pool. Docusign Envelope ID: 3A4B1807-B4AB-4903-9536-6F981AD2E0FA July 17, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 6 2. Lifestyles (OnPlace) – Report Ms. Douglas updated the Board on upcoming events. E. Reverie Reports (First Service) 1. Operations 2. Lifestyles Ms. Janzen of FSR introduced Matt Reed, new manager at Reverie. She noted they are also in the process of sourcing for a new maintenance person. Mr. Reed stated they are going to be pulling the trigger on a quote for 10 additional umbrellas for the Reverie pool. The original quote was $17,000 but another quote was sought after from a different vendor and came in at $6,500. FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests Mr. Oliver asked for any Supervisor’s requests. Hearing none. SIXTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments • Resident (Mandy) asked regarding the budget what happens when revenue exceeds expenses? Mr. Oliver noted this is not a use it or lose it budget. If there weren’t developer contributions, you would take the FY25 budget and divide it by all of the platted lots and that is what the assessment would be. You get to the point eventually where you accumulate carry forward surplus. She wants gates being too low/unsecure and inability of residents to get into and out of amenity center from the pool addressed. Mr. Anderson noted this is a resident perceived problem versus problem. They will continue to monitor it and report any new incidents. Mr. Kern noted a new facility manager could maybe prepare a precise report and summary of what the issues/concerns are and what the potential solutions are for the Board. Snakes in the dog park and dogs bitten by snakes, suggested Snake Away. Mr. Kern suggested contacting animal control. Wellbeats program not operational, worth the money? • Resident- stated security should not be reactive but should be preventative. Car break-ins in Reverie. • Resident (George – Reverie) - Lightning protection system -Towns Electric under $1,800. On Item seven - 8/16? Mr. Oliver noted 08/16/24. CDD has Colleen’s name for HOA and asked for Matt Reeds Reverie email. Ms. Janzen noted they are working on that. Docusign Envelope ID: 3A4B1807-B4AB-4903-9536-6F981AD2E0FA July 17, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 7 Resident asked about TrailMark hull roof, where is that? Mr. Kern noted East toward school in Phase 3. In July new Florida HOA laws in effect, do the CDDs correspond to that? CDD and HOA are completely separate. Will talk about HOA after meeting. Mr. Boyer will get with SED on better lightning protection coverage. • Tamara Good (78 Farm Field Dr.) – asked if anything is being done to address the dead tree. Pickleball shelters around the tables or sun shelter over the courts? Asked about new development. Dirty pond/ who cleans up the pond? Mr. Anderson thinks construction trash is a section built by Jacksonville Division, will get with them. • Christian Conway (263 Weathered Edge) – stated that they emailed Board about missing street signs and replacement. Mr. Boyer noted most of them have been ordered and will come in phases, typically takes 4-6 weeks. He will email resident with actual date once received. Straighten existing signs that stay. SEVENTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – August 14, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. The next regular meeting including the budget hearing will be August 14, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. EIGHTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Oliver asked for a motion to adjourn. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned. ___________________________ _____________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman Docusign Envelope ID: 3A4B1807-B4AB-4903-9536-6F981AD2E0FA