Amenity Policies Revised/Approved 09.11.2024 Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 2 Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Informed and Consent Agreement ............................................................................................................. 4 3. Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................................................ 5 4. Access Fobs ............................................................................................................................................ 6 4.1 Member Access Fobs ........................................................................................................................... 6 4.2 Guest ID Badges .................................................................................................................................. 7 4.3 Care Giver ID Badge .............................................................................................................................. 7 5. Service Animal Policy ............................................................................................................................. 7 6. Alcohol ................................................................................................................................................. 8 7. Dress Code ................................................................................................................................................ 9 8. Amenity Facilities ..................................................................................................................................... 9 8.1 Rules for Use of Amenity Facilities ..................................................................................................... 10 8.1.1 Tavern ...................................................................................................................................... 11 8.1.2 Functional Rooms ..................................................................................................................... 11 8.2 Swimming Pool and Spa .................................................................................................................... 11 8.2.1 General Pool and Spa Safety ....................................................................................................... 11 8.2.2 Health and Sanitation ................................................................................................................. 12 8.3 Fitness Facilities Etiquette ................................................................................................................... 12 8.3.1 Using equipment and others are waiting .................................................................................... 13 8.3.2 When you are finished with a piece of equipment ..................................................................... 13 8.3.3 Be aware of exercise area .......................................................................................................... 13 8.3.4 Avoid making too much noise .................................................................................................... 13 8.3.5 Outside Trainers ........................................................................................................................ 13 8.4 Fitness Class Etiquette ........................................................................................................................ 14 8.5 Locker Rooms .................................................................................................................................. 14 8.6 Outdoor Recreational Courts ............................................................................................................ 15 8.6.1 Pickleball Court Policies ............................................................................................................. 16 9. Registered Resident Clubs ....................................................................................................................... 17 10. Community Postings ............................................................................................................................ 17 11. Fund Raising Events ............................................................................................................................... 17 12. Burning/Dumping/Littering ................................................................................................................. 17 Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 3 13. Golf Carts/Mopeds/Electric Bikes ......................................................................................................... 17 14. Bicycles ............................................................................................................................................... 17 15. Suspension and Termination of Privileges ............................................................................................ 18 15.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 16 15.2 General Rule .................................................................................................................................. 18 15.3 Suspension and Termination of Rights ............................................................................................ 18 15.4 Administrative Reimbursement .................................................................................................... 19 15.5 Property Damage Reimbursement .................................................................................................. 19 15.6 Removal from Amenities ................................................................................................................. 19 15.7 Initial Suspension from Amenities ................................................................................................... 19 15.8 Hearing by the Board; Administrative Reimbursement; Property Damage Reimbursement .......... 20 15.9 Suspension by the Board ................................................................................................................. 20 15.10 Automatic Extension of Suspension for Non-Payment .................................................................. 20 15.11 Appeal Board Suspension ............................................................................................................. 21 15.12 Legal Action; Criminal Prosecution; Trespass ............................................................................... 21 15.13 Severability ................................................................................................................................. 21 16. Non-Resident Annual User Fee ............................................................................................................. 21 Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 4 1. Introduction The Amenity Center Policies of Reverie at Trailmark are established by the Board of Supervisors of the Six Mile Creek Community Development District (the “District”). These policies may be expanded, amended, or repealed by the Board of Supervisors, at a duly-noticed meeting of the District’s Board of Supervisors. However, in order to change or modify rates or fees beyond any increases that may be specifically allowed for by the District’s rules and regulations, the Board must hold a duly-noticed public hearing on said rates and fees. All Reverie residents have the right to enjoy the use of the Amenity Facilities. Guests are welcome and accommodated as set forth in more detail herein. The Board, the Lifestyles Director, and its staff shall apply and enforce these policies. However, the Lifestyles Director shall have the authority to waive strict application of any of these Policies when prudent, necessary or in the best interest of the District and its residents. Such a temporary waiver of any policy by the Lifestyles Director shall not constitute a continuous, ongoing waiver of said policy, and the Lifestyles Director reserves the right to enforce all of these policies at any time he or she sees fit. Hereafter the below titles will be identified as Residents or Paid Users: • Owners are residents of Reverie who own their home, and family members living in the home. • Tenants are individuals renting property from owners and use of the Amenity Facilities is only good during lease terms and upon written consent of the owners. • Paid User is someone who pays the annual rate adopted by the District, which entitles such person to all the same rights to use the Amenity Facilities as an owner, as set forth in more detail herein. • Owners, Tenants, and Paid Users shall collectively be referred to herein as Patrons. • “Guest” – shall mean any individual who is invited to use the Amenity Facilities by a Resident, Non-Resident Member or Renter and possesses a valid guest pass issued by the Facility Staff. 2. Informed and Consent Agreement All use of the Reverie Amenity Facilities and all participation in the Lifestyles program in Reverie are voluntary. Correspondingly, the recreational nature of the activities and programs potentially involves some personal and physical risk on the part of the participants. Program participation by Patrons is, therefore, interpreted as tacit acknowledgement and acceptance of the inherent risks. An Informed and Consent Agreement is attached and must be signed by every Patron before use of the Amenity Facilities. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 5 3. Code of Conduct The following outlines the Code of Conduct that shall be adhered to within the Amenity Facilities. Comments and complaints are to be civilly directed to the Lifestyles Director. • Patrons and guests must conduct themselves so as not to jeopardize or interfere with the rights, privileges, and enjoyment of others. • Patrons are responsible for the conduct of their guests. Guests will be held to the same standards of conduct as set herein for Patrons. • Patrons and guests will refrain from loud, profane or indecent language. • Patrons and guests will not harass or accost any other individual. • Patrons and guests will not compromise the safety of others. • Patrons and guests will not conduct loud entertainment as to disrupt the ability for staff to perform their work tasks or the peaceful enjoyment of other Patrons. • Patrons will be held responsible for any damage to District property caused by the Patron and/or the Patron’s guests. • Patrons and guests shall not interfere with the management of the Amenity Facilities, nor reprimand or discipline any District, HOA, or Developer’s employee. Comments and complaints are to be civilly directed to the Lifestyles Director. • Patrons are not allowed to profit from the use of the Amenity Facilities. No solicitation of businesses and/or of services permitted in or around Amenity Facilities. Unless-vendor has been approved and has signed a vendor contract through the Lifestyles Director. • Any Patron who violates the code of conduct or who violates any Amenity Policy is subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension of the Patron’s amenity privileges as set forth in more detail herein. • Safety is paramount and any Patron or guest not adhering to the Amenity Policies stated herein and/or posted, will be asked to leave any Amenity Facilities or program. The district’s staff’s judgment will prevail in all instances. • Loitering (the offense of standing idly or prowling in a place, at a time or in a manner not usual for law-abiding individuals, under circumstances that warrant a justifiable and reasonable alarm or immediate concern for the safety of persons or property in the vicinity) is not permitted at the Amenity Facilities. • Firearms or any other weapons are prohibited in the Amenity Facilities during any governmental meetings or functions, including those of the district, and as otherwise prohibited in the Amenity Facilities in accordance with Florida law. • All members and guests shall abide by and comply with any and all federal, state and local laws and ordinances while present at or utilizing the Amenity Facilities and shall ensure that any minor for whom they are responsible also complies with the same. All District, HOA staff, Developer staff and contract labor are required to adhere to applicable CDD policies. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 6 4. Access Fobs • Access Fobs are solely for the use of the individual who is requisitioned the access fob. • Patrons that have been placed in a state of suspension by the District are not eligible for replacement access fobs. They are also not eligible to purchase access fobs for renewal or allow guest(s) to use the facilities. • The Lifestyles Department may complete access fob checks in order to determine validity of resident and guest identification. It is the responsibility of the Patron or guest to have access fob or guest badge on them at all times and available for compliance checks. • Lost, stolen or damaged access fobs should be reported immediately and can be replaced for a fee. • Any Patron or guest without a valid guest badge or access fob will be asked to leave the Amenity Facilities. 4.1 Member Access Fobs • Patron access fobs are non-transferable and are not to be loaned or given to guests or other residents for entry. Patron access fobs are issued at no charge to each Patron with maximum of two per residence. Additional fobs may be purchased only for use by residents who live in the home. • It is the responsibility of the Patron to keep all Patron information current and up to date with the Lifestyles Department. • Any owner who transfers occupancy of their home is transferring their rights to use the Amenity Facilities with their access fobs. Upon transfer of occupancy, Patron access fobs will be deactivated. • Any owner who leases or otherwise transfers occupancy of their home is not allowed to use the Amenity Facilities or member access fobs during the time a tenant occupying their home, unless they own and occupy another home in Reverie. • Member access fobs for tenants shall terminate at the end of the Lease Term and must be returned to the Lifestyles Department. If a lease is renewed, the new lease must be submitted. Once this is completed, the member’s ID will be updated with a new expiration date. • Owners shall be responsible for all charges incurred by their tenants which remain unpaid after the customary billing and collection procedure established by the District. Owners are responsible for the deportment of their respective tenant. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 7 4.2 Guest ID Badges • Guest Badges are only necessary if guests use any of the Amenity Facilities. The only exception to this rule is if a guest is purchasing a ticket for an event. • Each household may bring up to five guests to the Amenity Facilities. Patrons must accompany their guest(s) at all times. There is no limit on the number of times a Patron may bring a guest or guests to the Amenity Facilities. The Lifestyles Director shall have the authority to permit variations from the specific numbers in the guest policies as long as such variations are reasonable and consistent with the intent to not allow guests to become regular or excessive users of the District’s facilities. • Guest badges are required for all guests 3 years of age & older. • A maximum of five guests are allowed at a time per household, per day unless approved in advance by the Lifestyles Director. • Patrons must present their Patron access fob to obtain the guest badges. • Guests who use the Amenity Facilities must report to and sign in at the front desk. • Guest ID badges must be returned to the Lifestyles Department located in the Amenity Center. 4.3 Care Giver ID Badge A caregiver or other person who provides care to a Patron while utilizing the Amenity Facilities is deemed to be a guest. • A Patron must obtain a caregiver ID badge for the caregiver for use of the Amenity Facilities. Only one caregiver ID badge is permitted per household. • Persons utilizing such caregiver ID badge are not permitted to utilize the Amenity Facilities other than to accompany the member under their care. • The District shall set the fee of the caregiver ID badge and it will be non-transferable. • Care Givers will have to establish eligibility with the Lifestyle Director. 5. Service Animal Policy Dogs or other pets (with the exception of “Service Animal(s)” trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability) are not permitted within any District-owned public accommodations including, but not limited to, the Amenity Facilities. A Service Animal must be kept under the control of its handler by leash or harness, unless doing so interferes with the Service Animal’s work or tasks or the individual’s disability prevents doing so. The District may remove the Service Animal under the following conditions: o If the Service Animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective measures to control it; o If the Service Animal is not housebroken; or, Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 8 o If the Service Animal’s behavior poses a direct threat to the health & safety of others. The District is prohibited from asking about the nature or extent of an individual’s disability in order to determine whether an animal is a Service Animal or pet. However, the District may ask whether an animal is a Service Animal required because of a disability and what work or tasks the animal has been trained to perform. 6. Alcohol • All Patrons must abide by the laws of the state of Florida governing alcohol and alcohol use and further agree to indemnify and hold harmless the District, its Board of Supervisors, officers, directors, consultants and staff from any and all liability, claims, actions, suits, or demands by any person, corporation or other entity, for injuries, death property damage of any nature, arising out of, or in connection with, the consumption of alcohol. Patrons and their guests agree that such indemnification shall not constitute or be construed as a waiver of the District’s sovereign immunity granted pursuant to Section 768.28, Fla. Stat. • Use of alcohol is not permitted when using the Amenity Facilities unless approved in writing in advance by the Lifestyles Department. • Registered Resident Clubs may have BYOB events with alcoholic beverages for their personal consumption. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted at a Patron’s private event or a Resident Clubs event unless a contract from an established catering company and license and liability insurance is provided to the Lifestyles Director in advance and approval is granted. • Only catering companies, individuals or establishments licensed in the state of Florida and who carry at least $1,000,000 liability insurance, are permitted to provide and sell alcoholic beverages during any event using the Amenity Facilities. • If a Patron chooses to contract a vendor to provide or sell alcohol at an event using the Amenity Facilities, the Patron must provide a copy of the business license and their liability insurance to the Lifestyles Department before any event can take place. • Individuals assume sole responsibility for any liability that may arise from alcohol consumption. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 9 7. Dress Code • Proper dress is required in all Amenity Facilities at all times. • Shirts or coveralls and shoes must be worn when entering Amenity Facilities. • Appropriate swimwear and/or bathing attire are required. No cutoffs or tethered swimwear allowed. • Dry clothing is required at all times inside the Amenity Facilities. Wet swimsuits may only be worn in pool areas. • Workout clothing such as shorts, t-shirts, warm-up suits, leotards and other exercise apparel that does not restrict movement or run the risk of getting caught in the equipment’s moving parts are permitted. • Closed toe and closed heal athletic shoes must be worn at all times in the fitness amenities. Aqua shoes may be worn in pool areas only. 8. Amenity Facilities The District has the right, in its sole discretion and prior approval by an amendment to these policies, to rent or lease any portion of the Amenity Facilities on a short-term basis to any Patron or District sanctioned group for their exclusive use, including the right to include guests. The Amenity Center Hours of Operation: 7 days per week Lounge, game room, tavern, pools, bocci 8 am – 9 pm (fob access) closes at 10 pm Fitness Center/Group Exercise: 5:00 am – 10 pm Pickleball Courts: Dawn until 10 pm (lights go out). All use of District Amenity Facilities is managed by the Lifestyles Director, requires completion and submission of a Resident Event Request Form and may be charged a fee as set forth in more detail herein. Patrons and guests are free to use any amenity without scheduling as long as the area is not reserved. Check for availability in advance with the Lifestyles Department before using any rooms. Amenity center is not available to rent for private resident parties/functions. In scheduling space, the following hierarchy will be followed: • District Lifestyles Department • Registered Resident Clubs • Patron special functions Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 10 8.1 Rules for Use of Amenity Facilities • A Resident Event Request Form must be processed in advance and granted approval by the Lifestyles Department before use of any Amenity Facilities. • After use of the facilities, it is the Patron and/or club’s responsibility to leave area as was found. • The number of people at the event cannot exceed posted room and bathing/occupancy capacity. • Music for the event is allowed but the volume level must not interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of other Patrons using the Amenity Facilities or Patrons in the adjacent neighborhood. • Smoking, including electronic cigarettes or cigars, is only permitted in the designated smoking areas away from entrances to Amenity Facilities. Smoking is also not allowed on any of the pool decks. • Maximum hours Patrons are allowed to schedule an event is six hours, which includes time to set up and clean up. • Additional provisions may be made by the Lifestyles Department or the District for special center events or club activities, provided the same is in compliance with applicable law. • The District reserves the right to deny, adjust, cancel, reschedule, or move meeting space as deemed necessary. The District’s Board of Supervisors may set reasonable limits on the number of times facilities may be booked by any club. • Guests must be 18 years or older to use the indoor Amenity Facilities during hours of operation and must be able to present a valid guest pass while using the Amenity Facilities. • Children under the age of 18 may tour the Amenity Facilities but are not allowed to visit or use the indoor Amenity Facilities. They may use the outdoor recreation areas and lounge pool only between the hours of 1pm-5pm, seven days a week and must be accompanied by a Patron. • The spa and lap lanes are for adult use only. • It is everyone’s responsibility to report any maintenance or housekeeping concerns to the Lifestyles Department. • Restrooms are available for use by Patrons and their guests and are located at the outdoor recreation area, inside the Lodge and at the pool deck. • Patrons, vendors and guests are not permitted to solicit work or distribute flyers and other advertising material. Patrons cannot profit from the use of the facilities. If someone wishes to be able to sell a product or service, they will need to be set up as a vendor through the Lifestyle Director. Vendors may only sell items during sanctioned events or as approved by the Lifestyle Director. • Only animals that are considered Service Animals pursuant to Section 5 will be permitted in the Amenity Facilities. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 11 8.1.1 Tavern Use of the Tavern is for Patrons and their guests. No outside private functions other than those approved by the District will be allowed. • To schedule use of the Tavern, a Resident Event Request Form must be completed at least four weeks prior to event date. Final approval by the Lifestyles Department must be granted. • There is no charge for registered resident club functions. • Review 8.1 of the Amenity Policies, Resident Event Request Form and Resident Club guidelines for Tavern use. • Children are permitted in the Tavern for Patron functions or Patron club events but must be supervised by Patrons at all times. • Events scheduled in the Tavern are not allowed to extend to the pool area or lobby. • Catering kitchen and bar area can be scheduled for use during events but must be reserved in advance. 8.1.2 Functional Rooms The Functional rooms are spaces that may be used by Patrons for a variety of activities, card and board games, as well as crafts. Room usage must be scheduled in advance through the Lifestyles Department. No special set up will be arranged in these rooms. 8.2 Swimming Pool and Spa • Pool hours are based on Florida Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) guidelines to include seasonal demand. Hours of operation are dawn to dusk. • Children under the age of 18 are allowed to use the lounge pool from 1pm-5pm, seven days a week. Children in diapers (unless wearing swim diapers) and those not toilet trained are not permitted in the pool at any time. • The spa and lap lane pool are for adult (18 years and older) use only. • Appropriate swimming attire is required at all times. • Chemicals used in the pool may affect certain hair or fabric colors. The District is not responsible for these effects. • The District is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 8.2.1 General Pool and Spa Safety • Only small flotation devices (like foam noodles) are allowed in the pool. Anyone bringing in oversized flotation devices will be asked to remove them. • Lifeguards are not provided and facilities are designated as “Swim at Your Own Risk”. “Life buoys” and “shepherd’s crooks” are available at poolside for emergency use only. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 12 • Individuals with hypertension, heart conditions or those on medication for any reason, should not use the spa without first consulting a physician. • Individuals who have recently consumed alcoholic beverages should avoid using the spa and pool altogether. • Children under the age of 18 are not permitted to use the spa. • No outside fitness or physical therapy trainers are allowed in the pool/pool deck, unless previously set up as a vendor by the Lifestyle Director. • Running, horseplay, profanity and disruptive conduct on pool deck area are not permitted. Diving into the pool is also not permitted. • Any time lightning is observed, all swimmers must immediately vacate the pool and adjacent deck area until a safe environment is restored for a minimum of 30 minutes. • The pool may be closed with no advance notice for certain activities, maintenance, repair, or inclement weather. • Personal music devices may only be used on the deck and lounge areas and only with earphones. However, instructors may use portable radios for Lifestyle activities. • Pool furniture is provided on a first-come, first-served basis and may not be reserved; personal items may not be left unattended. Furniture must be used on the deck and cannot be placed in the pool or removed from the pool area. If pool furniture is moved, it must be returned to its original position by the resident or guest. Association management must arrange for the removal and storage of pool furniture in the case of hurricanes and other severe storm warnings. 8.2.2 Health and Sanitation • Showers must be taken before entering the pool. • Food and beverages are allowed only at tables. Trash must be disposed of in appropriate containers. Glass containers and sharp objects are not permitted in the pool area. • Only animals that are considered Service Animals pursuant to Section 5 will be permitted in the pool areas. • Incontinent persons of any age are not allowed to use the pool or spa at any time. Children in diapers (unless in swim diapers) and those not toilet trained are not permitted in the pool at any time. Non-compliance could result in the pool and/or spa being closed for cleaning or draining because of a potential health hazard. The cost for cleaning/draining will be levied upon the Patron for non-compliance, including the non-compliance of the Patron’s guest. • Any person with a health problem that may be contagious to others is prohibited from using the pool and spa. • No open wounds, even when covered with bandages, will be allowed in pool. 8.3 Fitness Facilities Etiquette 8.3.1 Using equipment and others are waiting • Allow others to work in between your sets. • Do not rest on exercise equipment - recovery is accelerated by light muscular activity such as walking about between sets rather than sitting. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 13 • On cardio equipment, abide by the time limit (30 minutes) when others are waiting. • Wipe equipment with a disinfecting “Gym Wipe” after each machine use to ensure a sanitary environment. 8.3.2 When you are finished with a piece of equipment • Return equipment to its proper place when you have completed an exercise. Dumbbells should be placed in order on the rack and benches, mats and other equipment should be returned to their designated storage areas. • Return weight on all machines to “0” to prevent the next user from injuring themselves. 8.3.3 Be aware of exercise area • Stay clear of areas or stations that require space for your safety. Examples of such areas include weightlifting platform, cable crossover machine, and the weight trees. Do not crowd other exercisers. • Do not exercise in a walking path, i.e.: in front of water cooler. • Do not stand in front of the dumbbell rack as others will need clearance to get and put away their dumbbells. • People vary widely in the ability to tolerate increases in body temperature associated with exercise. Exercise-induced heat stress can be extremely dangerous and/or life-threatening. Please be considerate of others’ needs for increased air circulation via ceiling fan use. Please show respect for other exercisers’ safety and comfort by asking before turning fans off or on, and approach differing individual physiological needs with a spirit of cooperation and compromise. 8.3.4 Avoid making too much noise • Keep in mind an exercise facility is a public place where many participants are trying to concentrate on performing their exercises. Loud and constant noises can annoy other members. • Do not initiate conversation with someone while they are engaging in weight training. • Cell phones should be silent at all times in the fitness amenities. If you must take a call, please move out of the workout area to do so. • Avoid dropping weights. 8.3.5 Outside Trainers • No outside fitness or physical therapy trainers are allowed in the Gym. unless previously set up as a vendor by the Lifestyle Director. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 14 8.4 Fitness Class Etiquette • Classes are meant to be led by an instructor with as little distraction as possible to ensure safety for everyone attending the class. • Do not enter a class once it has started. Arrive 10 min. early to set up your area. o To ensure your own safety, do not enter a class if you miss the warm up portion. Do not enter a class while arms or weights are swinging to avoid injury. o It is very distracting to your instructor and other Patrons when you arrive late or leave early. • Do not disrupt a class by leaving early. o Proper cool down time and stretching is essential for your own safety and to prevent injury. • Show your instructor respect by limiting chatter and focusing on their direction. • Put your equipment (steps, dumbbells) away after class. • Holding space for others in not allowed. Space is first-come, first-serve. 8.5 Locker Rooms • Locker rooms and showers are provided for Patrons and guests. • Lockers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Clothing or personal effects may not be left unattended or unsecured in these areas, and safekeeping is the responsibility of the user. Lockers are to be used only when the Patron or guest is using the recreation areas of the Lodge. • Lockers are for daily use only. Long term use is not allowed. • Shower rules: o Turn off water when finished. o Minimize shower time so others are not waiting for long periods of time. o Be respectful of other people's personal space and belonging. o Cell phone usage is not permitted in locker rooms to protect the privacy of all Patrons and guests. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 15 8.6 Outdoor Recreational Courts Outdoor recreation, bocce and pickleball courts are available for Patrons and their guests. • The District is responsible for maintaining the courts. • Operational management rests with the District Management. • The Lifestyles Department will maintain a reservation policy to ensure that registered Patron clubs for each sport has priority play. • Open play will be available when registered Patron recreation clubs are not using the courts. Reservations to use the courts must be made through the Lifestyles Department in advance. • All court users must wear the appropriate footwear to avoid damage to the playing surface. • The Lifestyles Director will control whether bocce and pickleball is permitted in inclement weather, and the bocce and pickleball courts may be closed or opened at their discretion. 8.6.1 Pickleball Court Policies As a courtesy to other Patrons, we ask that all players please recognize and abide by these rules and guidelines. Remember, not only is pickleball a lifetime sport, it is also a game of sportsmanship, proper etiquette and fair play. • Proper pickleball etiquette shall be adhered to at all times. The use of profanity or disruptive behavior is prohibited. • Proper shoes and attire, as determined by the Lifestyles Director, are required at all times while on the courts. Shirts must be worn at all times. • Pickleball lights shut off at 10:00 PM. • Pickleball courts are for Patrons only. The limit is three (3) Guests to a single court. • No jumping over nets. • Players must clean up after play. This includes “dead” balls, Styrofoam cups, plastic bottles, etc. The goal is to show common courtesy by leaving the court ready for play for Patrons who follow you. • Court hazards or damages, such as popped line nails, need to be reported to the Lifestyles Director for repair. • Persons using the pickleball facility must supply their own equipment (rackets, balls, etc.). • The pickleball facility is for the play of pickleball only. Pets, roller blades, bikes, skates, skateboards and scooters are prohibited at the pickleball facility. • Beverages are permitted at the pickleball facility if they are contained in non-breakable containers with screw top or sealed lids. No food or glass containers are permitted on the pickleball courts. • No chairs, other than those provided by the District, are permitted on the pickleball courts. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 16 • Lights, if any, at the pickleball facility must be turned off after use. • Guests under the age of eighteen (18) are not allowed to use the pickleball facility unless accompanied by an adult Patron. • The pickleball courts may be reserved by the District for District-sponsored events or functions. • If you find it necessary to “bump” other players when it is your turn to play: o Never attempt to enter someone else’s court before your reservation time. o Never enter the court or distract players while others are in the middle of a point or game. o Wait outside the entrance gate and politely inform the players that you have a reservation time. o Allow players to finish out one more point, and then begin the player changeover for the court. o If you are bumped from a court and wish to continue play, please notify staff and they will do their best to get you on the next available court. 9. Registered Resident Clubs Registered Resident Clubs are organizations approved by the District to foster and promote opportunities to pursue a hobby, recreational or cultural interests. They are the operational nucleus for the District’s recreation program and provide both structure and vitality in its mission. • Any group of Patrons interested in pursuing a particular hobby, vocation or special field of interest may join together as a club and subsequently petition for District approval. • Authority to grant approval rests with the Lifestyle Director and at times may require review by the District’s Board. • Clubs are granted based on Patron’s need for a specific program, Patron interest, and the availability of the amenities and equipment. • Governance for Resident Clubs is more specifically detailed in the Guidelines for Forming a Resident Club packet published by the Lifestyles Department. • No Club events can be open to the public unless approved in advance by the Lifestyles Director. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 17 10. Community Postings • The Lifestyle Director will approve and post all Registered Resident Club fliers on the Reverie lifestyles newsletter. The decisions of District staff with respect to decorum will prevail at all times. • Only Registered Resident Club announcements will be advertised on the newsletter and other community boards. Individual announcement must be approved by the Lifestyles Department. • Commercial materials may be posted under certain circumstances as approved by the Lifestyles Director. 11. Fund Raising Events • Resident Clubs are permitted to hold fundraising events as outlined in the Guidelines and Rules for Club packet. The Lifestyles Director must approve all fundraising events in advance. • The Lifestyles Director may deny approval of any fundraising events that are inconsistent with the policies of the District. • District guest policies apply to all functions. 12. Burning/Dumping/Littering Patrons and guests are prohibited from burning and or dumping any items, including lawn/garden waste on common areas or in construction areas. Littering is prohibited and Patrons can be fined. Using the District or construction dumpsters to dispose of personal/household material is strictly prohibited and residents may face fines or lose their Patron privileges. 13. Golf Carts/Mopeds/Electric Bikes • All residents must abide by Florida laws governing the use of golf carts and mopeds. • Please refer to applicable Florida law and the CC&R for full guidelines for golf cart use. 14. Bicycles • The sidewalks/paths throughout Reverie are for both walkers and cyclists. A cyclist yields to a walker; however, a walker is not permitted to take up the entire walkway. The walker must allow the cyclist adequate room to pass safely. Residents walking in groups should walk single file when a cyclist is approaching. • Patrons and guests operating bicycles on Reverie property must do so in a safe manner. • Riders should limit their speeds to assure that they maintain control of their bicycles. • Bicycles must be placed in or adjacent to the bike rack at The Retreat. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 18 • The District does not accept any responsibility for lost or damaged bicycles. 15. Suspension and Termination of Privileges 15.1 Introduction This rule addresses disciplinary and enforcement matters relating to the use of the District amenity facilities, and other District Property (together, the “Amenities”). 15.2 General Rule All persons using or entering the Amenities are responsible for compliance with the rules and policies established for the safe operations of the District’s Amenities. 15.3 Suspension and Termination of Rights The District shall have the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate access to the Amenities of any person and members of their household to use all or a portion of the Amenities for any of the following acts (each, a “Violation”): a. Submitting false information on any application for use of the Amenities, including but not limited to facility rental applications; b. Failing to abide by the terms of rental applications; c. Permitting the unauthorized use of a key fob or Access Card or otherwise facilitates or allows unauthorized use of the Amenities; d. Exhibiting inappropriate behavior or repeatedly wearing inappropriate attire; e. Failing to pay amounts owed to the District in a proper and timely manner (with the exception of special assessments); f. Failing to abide by any District rules or policies (e.g., Policies and Procedures); g. Treating the District’s staff, contractors, representatives, residents, landowners, Patrons, or guests, in a harassing or abusive manner; h. Damaging, destroying, rendering inoperable or interfering with the operation of District property, or other property located on District property; i. Failing to reimburse the District for property damaged by such person, or a minor for whom the person has charge, or a guest; j. Engaging in conduct that is likely to endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the District, its staff, contractors, representatives, residents, landowners, Patrons, or guests; k. Committing or is alleged, in good faith, to have committed a crime on or off District property that leads the District to reasonably believe the health, safety or welfare of the District, its staff, contractors, representatives, residents, landowners, [Patrons, or guests is likely endangered; l. Engaging in another Violation after a verbal warning has been given by staff (which verbal warning is not required); or m. Such person’s guest or a member of their household commits any of the above Violations. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 19 Termination of Amenities access shall only be considered and implemented by the Board in situations that pose a long term or continuing threat to the health, safety and/or welfare of the District, its staff, contractors, representatives, residents, landowners, Patrons, or guests. The Board, in its sole discretion and upon motion of any Board member, may vote to rescind a termination of Amenities access. 15.4 Administrative Reimbursement The Board may in its discretion require payment of an administrative reimbursement of up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500) in order to offset the legal and/or administrative expenses incurred by the District as a result of a Violation (“Administrative Reimbursement”). Such Administrative Reimbursement shall be in addition to any suspension or termination of Amenities access, any applicable legal action warranted by the circumstances, and/or any Property Damage Reimbursement (defined below). 15.5 Property Damage Reimbursement If damage to District property occurred in connection with a Violation, the person or persons who caused the damage, or the person whose guest caused the damage, or the person who has charge of a minor that caused the damage, shall reimburse the District for the costs of cleaning, repairing, and/or replacing the property (“Property Damage Reimbursement”). Such Property Damage Reimbursement shall be in addition to any suspension or termination of Amenities access, any applicable legal action warranted by the circumstances, and/or any Administrative Reimbursement. 15.6 Removal from Amenities The District Manager, General Manager, Amenity Manager, Lifestyles Director, and onsite staff each have the independent ability to remove any person from the Amenities if a Violation occurs, or if in his or her discretion, it is in the District’s best interest to do so. 15.7 Initial Suspension from Amenities The District Manager, General Manager, Amenity Manager, Lifestyles Director, or his or her designee may at any time restrict or suspend for cause or causes, including but not limited to a Violation, any person’s access to the Amenities until a date not later than the next regularly scheduled meeting date of the Board that is scheduled to occur at least twenty-one (21) days after the date of initial suspension. In the event of such a suspension, the District Manager or his or her designee shall mail a letter to the person suspended referencing the conduct at issue, the sections of the District’s rules and policies violated, the time, date, and location of the next regular Board meeting where the person’s suspension will be presented to the Board, and a statement that the person has a right to appear before the Board and offer testimony and evidence why the suspension should be lifted. If the person is a minor, the letter shall be sent to the adults at the address within the community where the minor resides. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 20 15.8 Hearing by the Board; Administrative Reimbursement; Property Damage Reimbursement a. At the Board meeting referenced in the letter sent under Section 8 above, or as soon thereafter as a Board meeting is held if the meeting referenced in the letter is canceled, a hearing shall be held at which both District staff and the person subject to the suspension shall be given the opportunity to appear, present testimony and evidence, cross examine witnesses present, and make arguments. The Board may also ask questions of District staff, the person subject to the suspension, and witnesses present. All persons are entitled to be represented by a licensed Florida attorney at such hearing. b. After the presentations by District staff and the person subject to the suspension, the Board shall consider the facts and circumstances and determine whether to lift or extend the suspension or impose a termination. In determining the length of any suspension, or a termination, the Board shall consider the nature of the conduct, the circumstances of the conduct, the number of rules or policies violated, the person’s escalation or de-escalation of the situation, and any prior Violations and/or suspensions c. The Board shall also determine whether an Administrative Reimbursement is warranted and, if so, set the amount of such Administrative Reimbursement. d. The Board shall also determine whether a Property Damage Reimbursement is warranted and, if so, set the amount of such Property Damage Reimbursement. If the cost to clean, repair and/or replace the property is not yet available, the Property Damage Reimbursement shall be fixed at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting after the cost to clean, repair, and/or replace the property is known. e. After the conclusion of the hearing, the District Manager shall mail a letter to the person suspended identifying the Board’s determination at such hearing. 15.9 Suspension by the Board The Board on its own initiative acting at a noticed public meeting may elect to consider a suspension of a person’s access for committing any of the Violations outlined in Section 4. In such circumstance, a letter shall be sent to the person suspended which contains all the information required by Section 8, and the hearing shall be conducted in accordance with Section 9. 15.10 Automatic Extension of Suspension for Non-Payment Unless there is an affirmative vote of the Board otherwise, no suspension or termination will be lifted or expire until all Administrative Reimbursements and Property Damage Reimbursements have been paid to the District. If an Administrative Reimbursement or Property Damage Reimbursement is not paid by its due date, the District reserves the right to request surrender of, or deactivate, all Access Cards or key fobs associated with an address within the District until such time as the outstanding amounts are paid. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 21 15.11 Appeal Board Suspension After the hearing held by the Board required by Section 9, a person subject to a suspension or termination may appeal the suspension or termination, or the assessment or amount of an Administrative Reimbursement or Property Damage Reimbursement, to the Board by filing a written request for an appeal (“Appeal Request”). The filing of an Appeal Request shall not result in the stay of the suspension or termination. The Appeal Request shall be filed within thirty (30) calendar days after mailing of the notice of the Board’s determination as required by Section 9(e), above. For purposes of this Rule, wherever applicable, filing will be perfected and deemed to have occurred upon receipt by the District. Failure to file an Appeal Request shall constitute a waiver of all rights to protest the District’s suspension or termination, and shall constitute a failure to exhaust administrative remedies. The District shall consider the appeal at a Board meeting and shall provide reasonable notice to the person of the Board meeting where the appeal will be considered. At the appeal stage, no new evidence shall be offered or considered. Instead, the appeal is an opportunity for the person subject to the suspension or termination to argue, based on the evidence elicited at the hearing, why the suspension or termination should be reduced or vacated. The Board may take any action deemed by it in its sole discretion to be appropriate under the circumstances, including affirming, overturning, or otherwise modifying the suspension or termination. The Board’s decision on appeal shall be final. 15.12 Legal Action; Criminal Prosecution; Trespass If any person is found to have committed a Violation, such person may additionally be subject to arrest for trespassing or other applicable legal action, civil or criminal in nature. If a person subject to a suspension or termination is found at the Amenities, such Person will be subject to arrest for trespassing. If a trespass warrant is issued to a person by a law enforcement agency, the District has no obligation to seek a withdrawal or termination of the trespass warrant even though the issuance of the trespass warrant may effectively prevent a person from using the District’s Amenities after expiration of a suspension imposed by the District. 15.13 Severability If any section, paragraph, clause or provision of this rule shall be held to be invalid or ineffective for any reason, the remainder of this rule shall continue in full force and effect, it being expressly hereby found and declared that the remainder of this rule would have been adopted despite the invalidity or ineffectiveness of such section. 16. Non-Resident Annual User Fee • The Non-Resident Annual User Fee for any person not owning or renting real property within the District is $4,000. This payment must be paid in full at the time of completion of the Non-Resident application and the corresponding agreement. This fee will cover membership to the Amenity Facilities for one (1) calendar year from the date it is purchased. Such fee may be increased by action of the Board of Supervisors. This membership is not available for commercial purposes. Reverie Amenity Policies, September 11, 2024 Page 22 Every member of a Reverie household will be required to sign the Amenity Center Guidelines before privilege to use the facilities will be granted. SPECIAL EVENT RATES Type Rate Event Ticket Prices $5.00 - $35.00*/person *For events that exceed $35/person, such overage shall be paid directly to the vendor I hereby acknowledge I have read and understand these guidelines set by the Association and I agree to abide by these guidelines. Reverie Address: Primary Member Print Name: Signature: Date: Secondary Member Print Name: Signature: Date: Other Member of Household: Signature: Date: Other Member of Household: Signature: Date: