MINUTES OF MEETING SIX MILE CREEK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Six Mile Creek Community Development District was held on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. at the Renaissance World Golf Village Resort, 500 South Legacy Trail, St. Augustine, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Gregg Kern Chairman Wendy Hartley Vice Chairperson Darren Glynn Supervisor Michelle Sutton Supervisor Steve Pasiuk Supervisor Also, present were: Jim Oliver District Manager Wes Haber by phone District Counsel Zach Brecht by phone District Engineer Alex Boyer Operations Manager Skip Reasonover RealManage Stephanie Douglas OnPlace Megan Maldonado OnPlace Samantha Keim OnPlace Matthew Reid First Service, Reverie HOA Amanda Arnold OnPlace Sarah Sweeting GMS Kevin Andersen DreamFinders, Reverie Steve McAvoy Brightview The following is a summary of the actions taken at the September 11, 2024 Six Mile Creek Community Development District’s regular Board of Supervisor’s Meeting. Docusign Envelope ID: BF239D13-BF5A-4ED2-8FB9-60A09043DA38 September 11, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 2 FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Oliver called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Five Supervisors were in attendance constituting a quorum. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments Mr. Oliver noted this is the audience’s opportunity to comment on items specific to today’s agenda. There will also be an audience comment period later in the meeting on any items pertaining to the CDD. He asked for any comments regarding today’s agenda. There being no comments, the next item followed. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Brightview Report Mr. McAvoy presented the landscape report. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Sitex Report This item was tabled until later in the meeting. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Engineer Items 1. Ratification of Change Order Nos. 7 – 8 – Trailmark East Parcel 13 2. Ratification of Change Order Nos. 19 20 – Trailmark Phase 12 3. Ratification of Requisitions No. 310A – 312A (2016A Capital Improvement Bonds) 4. Ratification of Requisitions No. 83 – 84 (2023 Bond Series (AA2 Phase 3C) 5. Ratification of Requisition No. 72A – 74A (2023 Bond Series (AA3 Phase 3) B. Ratification of Agreements/Proposals 1. Onsight Industries, LLC for Signage 2. SES Environnemental Resource Solutions, LLC for Mitigation 3. Brightview Landscape for TrailMark Drive Enhancements 4. Jani-King for Additional Janitorial Services (Reverie) 5. All About Water for Window Cleaning & Pressure Washing Services (Reverie) C. Approval of Minutes of the August 14, 2024 Meeting D. Balance Sheet as of August 31, 2024 and Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the Period Ending August 31, 2024 E. Assessment Receipt Schedule F. Check Register Docusign Envelope ID: BF239D13-BF5A-4ED2-8FB9-60A09043DA38 September 11, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 3 Mr. Oliver noted the Board can approve this all in a single motion or if they want to discuss any of the items, they can do that also. Ms. Sutton asked about the landscape enhancement proposal, where it is located and the purpose of doing it. Mr. Kern noted this is along TrailMark Drive heading South where the Richmond and DreamFinders model homes were. There is a project to add some storm drainage under TrailMark Drive and landscape improvements for that storm outfall crossing is the completion of that project. This would be under capital projects. She questioned Jani-King and a maintenance person at Reverie. Mr. Andersen noted there is a building supervisor onsite but he is not janitorial. This is an amendment to an existing agreement to increase service from one day to three days. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the Consent Agenda, was approved 5-0. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of CDD Goals & Objectives Mr. Oliver stated Florida legislature passed legislation requiring Special Districts to adopt goals & objectives and measure themselves at the end of 2025 against those goals & objectives. He provided a copy of the draft goals and objectives to the Board. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Sutton, with all in favor, the CDD Goals & Objectives, were approved 5-0. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Scope of Services for Landscape RFP (TrailMark) Mr. Oliver noted right now Brightview has this contract and it has been extended through the end of this calendar year. They are starting to go through the RFP process. Mr. Boyer noted the most up to date information for the scope is in the agenda package. There are somethings coming down the pipeline but is not something to be factored in today. This should include what Tree Amigos and Brightview were doing at the same time. It does add a few small pocket park areas. There are no recommendations for changes to the scope of work as described in the current agreement. Mr. Kern asked if there is an exhibit of the areas that they would be procuring services for. Mr. Boyer noted the current map should cover everything except for a small section of Phase 11 and most of Phase 12. Sarah sent out a site plan generated by Brightview. They will get an updated map in the next day or two. Mr. Haber recommended designating one Board member to Docusign Envelope ID: BF239D13-BF5A-4ED2-8FB9-60A09043DA38 September 11, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 4 have official decision-making authority on what the final version looks like. Mr. Kern noted they can approve the scope of work in substantial form subject to final review, pending the RFP form and the site plan to be attached as an exhibit, also looking to designate a Supervisor for final approval in between meetings. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, the Scope of Services for Landscape RFP (TrailMark) Subject to Final Review, Pending RFP Form & Site Plan Attached as Exhibit, Designating Mr. Kern for Final Approval in Between Meetings, was approved in substantial form 5-0. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Hearing to Adopt Rates, Resolution 2024-09 Mr. Haber stated the District is required to charge for usage of its amenity facility and to do so by holding a rate hearing. The District is required to publish two notices in the local newspaper advertising the public hearing. The adoption of this resolution would result in the adoption of a new rate for obtaining tickets ranging from $5 to $35 per person understanding in the event they have a ticket that exceeds $35 those amounts would be paid directly to vendors that are there and not to the District. Mr. Oliver asked for a motion to open the public hearing. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Sutton with all in favor, Opening the Public Hearing, was approved 5-0. Mr. Oliver noted the public hearing is open so this is the publics opportunity to make comment on this item which allows for the charging of rates for special events. • Robin – Is this for both Reverie and TrailMark. Mr. Oliver noted yes. She asked how will the people at Reverie pay? The logistics will be worked out for what is most convenient. Mr. Oliver asked for any other public comments, hearing no comments. He asked for a motion to close the public hearing. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Sutton, with all in favor, Closing the Public Hearing, was approved 5-0. Mr. Oliver asked for a motion to adopt Resolution 2024-09. Docusign Envelope ID: BF239D13-BF5A-4ED2-8FB9-60A09043DA38 September 11, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 5 On MOTION by Mr. Glynn, seconded by Mr. Kern, with all in favor, Resolution 2024-09 Adopting Special Event Rates, was approved 5- 0. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Proposals A. Sitex for Carp and Plantings Mr. Oliver presented the proposal for installation of plants along pond #32 on Weathered Edge in the amount of $6,000. Appropriate planting time would be Spring. Sitex will help in the permitting efforts of the carp. Table until further discussion with residents along Weathered Edge pond. B. Keen on Klean Solutions for Additional Trash Removal & Additional Services (TrailMark) Mr. Oliver presented a proposal from Keen on Klean Solutions at a monthly cost of $240 to maintain the 5 new trash cans plus 3 new trash cans. There will be per visit fees when staff decides they are needed for steam cleaning of bathroom tiles and sanitation at $1,725 per visit as needed in addition to the monthly fee. The other one is for waxing of wood floors in the welcome center including moving furniture would be $1,850. On MOTION by Ms. Sutton, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the Proposal with Keen on Klean for Additional Trash Removal and Sanitation of Bathroom Tile, was approved 5-0. C. M&G Holiday Lighting for Holiday Lights Mr. Oliver noted the budget for this item is $12,000 and this proposal comes in at $12,044. Mr. Boyer noted this is the annual cost to hang lights, take them down and store them after the season. Anything that is broken or doesn’t work gets replaced. The Board asked for additional proposals to be presented at the February meeting. On MOTION by Ms. Sutton, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the Proposal from M&G Lighting for Holiday Lights, was approved 5-0. Docusign Envelope ID: BF239D13-BF5A-4ED2-8FB9-60A09043DA38 September 11, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 6 TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Other Business Mr. Haber noted there is an area that the developer is trying to plan a recreational pond. In order to develop the pond, there is a parcel of property owned by an adjoining property owner that is needed to develop the site. In negotiating with the property owner, they have asked for access to the pond. Counsel for the developer with Wes’s input and review prepared a license agreement. It provides that the property owner would have the right to use only the recreational pond to the same extent that another home in the community would have. On MOTION by Ms. Hartley, seconded by Mr. Glynn, with all in favor, Amending the Agenda to Add the Approval of the License Agreement Regarding use of the Recreational Pond by a Non- Resident, was approved. Mr. Oliver asked for a motion to approve the license agreement. On MOTION by Mr. Glynn, seconded by Ms. Hartley, with all in favor, the License Agreement regarding the Recreational Pond, was approved. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Haber had nothing additional to report. B. Engineer Mr. Brecht had nothing additional to report. C. Manager Mr. Oliver had nothing additional to report. D. TrailMark Reports 1. Operations (Evergreen) – Report Mr. Reasonover provided an update on recent maintenance projects. Docusign Envelope ID: BF239D13-BF5A-4ED2-8FB9-60A09043DA38 September 11, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 7 2. Lifestyles (OnPlace) a. Report Ms. Douglas updated the Board on recent and upcoming events. b. Updated on Kayak Rentals Ms. Douglas provided the Board a kayak update. A log of kayak reservations from June to September is in the agenda package. The kayak reservation app will be up and running after September 17th. She updated the Board on a nonresident “sister of a resident” who allowed 50-60 people in for a party. Mr. Glynn suggested if there is no proof of residency, they can be asked to leave and if they don’t then call the nonemergency sheriff. E. Reverie Reports (First Service) 1. DFH Updates a. Gate Extension b. Kitchen Pass Through c. Lifestyle Vendor Switch Mr. Andersen provided an update on the gate extensions, kitchen pass through, and introduced OnPlace to take over Lifestyles management, previously engaged by FirstService. He noted FirstService will be the HOA property management company. Ms. Arnold with OnPlace spoke about transitioning and onboarding Reverie to their programming. 2. Operations 3. Lifestyles Matt Reid introduced himself as the new community manager at Reverie HOA. He provided an update on recent maintenance projects and activities. TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests Mr. Pasiuk spoke about the primary responsibilities of the Supervisors to increase understanding. Researched the property next to the old Master Craft property that is unsightly owned by Drees. Ms. Sutton asked the status of the traffic light. There was another bad accident. Mr. Kern noted they are still waiting on the county review and a construction permit is needed. Docusign Envelope ID: BF239D13-BF5A-4ED2-8FB9-60A09043DA38 September 11, 2024 Six Mile Creek CDD 8 THIRTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments • Cindy Lee (95 Split Oak) – When trying to use the amenity center and fobs not working, is there someone on the Board to call when a resident can’t get in. Ms. Douglas noted there is a customer care number. She noted a ripped screen at the Camp House. Mr. Boyer is waiting to hear back from screening vendor. She questioned the license agreement with the nonresident using the recreational pond and precautions/safety. Mr. Kern asked her to come and look at the map after the meeting. She asked him to announce the number of applications received for new HOA position. • Resident – Wanted to make sure unfinished sidewalks on Candle Stick, Quick Silver, and Farm Field are finished before the developer gets out. Mr. Kern will follow up on sidewalks. • Jerry Walters (Reverie) Spoke in light of arrest of the stalker on Mirabella, asked the Board to consider a license plate reader on TrailMark Drive. Ms. Sutton noted there is a camera that captures plate information when entering. FOURTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – October 9, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. The next regular meeting will be October 9, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. FIFTEENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment Mr. Oliver asked for a motion to adjourn. On MOTION by Mr. Kern, seconded by Ms. Sutton, with all in favor, the meeting adjourned. ___________________________ _____________________________ Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman Docusign Envelope ID: BF239D13-BF5A-4ED2-8FB9-60A09043DA38